VibeColor - Your Personal Color Companion
Simple, open the app, point the camera, and snap a color in real time! Move around to discover more colors, and let VibeColor take over from there. The app takes the predominant color from your surroundings and fills the screen with it, creating an immersive color experience.
Take a picture of the color, and it gets saved directly to your photo roll — perfect for inspiration on the go! Whether youre a designer, artist, or just curious about the colors around you, VibeColor makes color exploration simple and fun.
VibeColor is a comprehensive app for anyone who loves color. It captures the colors in your environment and provides you with detailed information, including Hex, RGB, Pantone, and NCS values.
Key Features:
• Snap Colors in Real Time: Open the app, point your camera, and get instant color analysis.
• Capture and Save: Save your favorite colors to your camera roll — the app provides an image filled with the captured color.
• Detailed Color Breakdown: Get Hex, RGB, Pantone, and NCS values for every color you capture, all displayed in an easy-to-understand format.
• Intuitive and Immersive: VibeColor makes it easy to explore color. The app fills the screen with the predominant color, making it an engaging way to understand and feel the colors in your environment.
Whether youre redecorating, creating artwork, or simply exploring colors around you, VibeColor gives you the tools to turn inspiration into reality. From nature’s beautiful hues to the intricate shades in the world around you, VibeColor makes capturing and understanding color effortless.
Start exploring the colors around you with VibeColor today!